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At Messer Americas, we are committed to complying with all laws and regulations and to upholding human rights and labor standards, whether in our own operations or in our relationships with business partners. Messer Americas also supports the principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
Messer Americas expects its suppliers to share this commitment and has adopted a Supplier Code of Conduct. Suppliers are required to:
- Comply with all laws and regulations on occupational health and working safety.
- Commit to continuous improvements of occupational health and safety.
- Use or set up a reasonable occupational health and safety management system.
- Comply with the law and sector-specific labor regulations concerning working time, including overtime laws.
- Provide wages and benefits as prescribed by the respective national laws, including minimum wage legislation, and in line with existing industry practices and local labor markets.
- Apply principles of equal opportunity and fair treatment, including the non-tolerance of any form of discrimination or verbal or physical harassment of employees.
- Recognize the rights of free association and collective bargaining of employees.
- Not tolerate of any form of forced labor, including forced prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, slave labor or any form of human trafficking
- Comply with minimum working age requirements prescribed by national laws and international agreements.
- Undertake reasonable efforts to encourage its own suppliers and sub-contractors to comply with the principles of the Messer Americas’ Supplier Code of Conduct.
Under its standard terms and conditions of purchase, Messer Americas may require a supplier to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Supplier Code of Conduct, e.g., by providing data or conducting self-assessments, and may also inspect (or appoint a third party to inspect) the supplier’s premises to verify compliance if it has reason to believe that a supplier is in material breach of the Supplier Code of Conduct. If there is a material breach, which includes incidents of forced or child labor, Messer Americas may terminate the supply agreement. Messer Americas has not had occasion to exercise such contractual rights.
With regard to its own employees and operations, Messer Americas adheres to internationally recognized human rights and the general ethical principles against child labor and forced employment. Messer Americas’ Code of Conduct protects and promotes human rights, including prohibitions against child labor, forced employment, and the prohibition against slavery and servitude in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Messer Americas employees are regularly trained on various compliance topics, including Ethics and Code of Conduct and Respect in the Workplace.
At Messer Americas, we expect every employee to treat his or her colleagues and third parties respectfully, fairly, kindly and professionally. We will take decisive steps against any employee who engages in any violation against the dignity and respect of employees in the workplace.